
Get in touch to book me for an engaging and truly interesting talk.

Topics are tailored to suit your needs and below are a some recent topics.

  • Many years ago IBM had a simple slogan - THINK - then what happened? ( July 2024 )
  • Politicians and business leaders never lie !! ( June 2024 )
  • Activity vs Progress ( May 2024 )
  • Please explain - new words such as "dispositive" ( Apr 2024 )
  • Are you fishing and for what - do you have the correct bait? ( Mar 2024 )
  • Everything we can not control might be for sale ( Feb 2024 )
  • Reality will always bite ( Jan 2024 )
  • Is Dec the same as Jan, but with public holidays or is it more? ( Dec 2023 )
  • Do we think for ourselves or use a proxy? ( Nov 2023 )
  • Do we admit our mistakes? ( Oct 2023 )
  • We know you have the answers, but do you have the right questions ( Sept 2023 )
  • Crooked thinking ( August 2023 )
  • What is the "other side of the coin" in the current narrative ( July 2023 ) 
  • You have a brain - Use It ( June 2023 )
  • What Matters in our lives ( May 2023 )
  • Egalitarianism and Inflation ( April 2023 )
  • What has happened to customer service ? ( Mar 2023 )
  • Are you lost in the alphabet soup yet?  ( Feb 2023 )
  • After midnight and ? ( Jan 2023 )
  • The drovers dog vs the expert ( Dec 2022 ) 
  • Facts no longer appear to matter ( Nov 2022 ) 
  • Be your own customer - Test and Verify - ( Oct 2022 )
  • You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality  ( Sept 2022 )
  • When NO means NO ( Aug 2022 )
  • Too many projects are failing - WHY? ( July 2022 )
  • What defines "Value" ( June 2022 )
  • Back is Front and Front is Back - the new logic ( May 2022 )
  • What if we had an election in our business ( Apr 2022 )
  • Who is in charge and why ( Mar 2022 )
  • Second verse, same as the first ( Feb 2022 )
  • Who's black box do you trust ( January 2022 )
  • The answer is still 42  ( December 2021 )
  • Do we have principles ? ( November 2021 )
  • Hell YES, we should ? ( October 2021 )
  • When do we take responsibility? ( September 2021 ) 
  • Truth and Trust ( August 2021 )
  • Have we lost the plot? ( July 2021 )
  • The elephants has not moved for years. ( June 2021 )
  • Do we scream or keep silent ( May 2021 )
  • Why innovation has a high failure rate. ( Apr 2021 )
  • Better late than never -  True or false ? ( Mar 2021 )
  • "They deem him their worst enemy, who tells them the truth" - Plato ( Feb 2021 )
  • What has changed, and what has remained the same ( Jan 2021 )
  • Is what I am doing, or about to do, getting us closer to our objectives?  ( Dec 2020 )
  • One horse race ? ( Nov 2020 )
  • Ooops. Let's do that again ( Oct 2020 )
  • Blind acceptance of rules, breeds sheep ( Sep 2020 )
  • Ignorance drives Fear, drives Behaviour. ( Aug 2020 )
  • Simplicity is not easy ( July 2020 )
  • Normalization of new Habits ( June 2020 )
  • Small things can cause big problems ( May 2020 )
  • Solutions are easy, courage is not ( Apr 2010 )
  • Reality bites! ( Mar 2020 )
  • Who's ego is driving this project? ( Feb 2020 )
  • Not a New year, rather Another year ( Jan 2020 )
  • Change, do we love it or hate it ? ( Dec 2019 )
  • Group formations based on habits ( Nov 2019 )
  • Perpetual motion ( Oct 2019 )
  • The spoken word ( Sept 2019 )
  • Fake news and Fake numbers, now what? ( Aug 2019 )
  • Imagination vs Knowledge ( July 2019 )
  • What is possible  ! ( June 2019 )
  • Are we prepared to learn ? ( May 2019 )
  • People Matter, everything else follows ( April 2019 )
  • You cannot listen, while you are talking ( Mar 2019 )
  • 99 Bottles of beer on the wall ( Feb 2019 )
  • Rules, Regulations, Processes and Procedures ( Jan 2019 )
  • Santa Claus and the Magic bullet ( Dec 2018 )
  • Hope is not a strategy ( Nov 2018 )
  • Simplicity ( Oct 2018 )
  • Who decides ? ( Sept 2018 )
  • The words we use matter ( Aug 2018 )
  • Is the answer is a definite maybe ? ( July 2018 )
  • What business are you in ? ( June 2018 )
  • Yes BUT - we are different ( May 2018 )
  • When the marketing message becomes "Fake News" ( April 2018 )
  • What have we changed this year and why ! ( March 2018 )
  • Are we chasing the Easter bunny ( Feb 2018 )
  • Resolutions vs Purpose ( Jan 2018 )
  • 2 + 2 is 4 - Really ! ( Dec 2017 )
  • So you still believe in Father Xmas  ( November 2017 )
  • The answer really is 42 ( October 2017 )
  • Learned Ignorance - the impact ( September 2017 )
  • Hand-signals in the dark ( August 2017 )
  • 100 mt dash wearing gumboots ( July 2017 )
  • What a spider can teach us about our business ( June 2017 )
  • Co-operation to Innovation ( May 2017 )
  • Little people get it, what is our problem? ( Apr 2017 )
  • Why History matters ( Mar 2017 )
  • The adjacent possible - Stuart Kauffman ( Feb 2017 ) 
  • The distraction of future potential ( Jan 2017 )
  • Why projects and governments continue to fail ( Dec 2016 )
  • Communication bubbles and the silos of indifference ( Nov 2016 )
  • Morals, Ethics and Principles - why they matter. ( Oct 2016 )
  • The normalization of relevance - ( Sept 2016 )
  • How and when do we challenge ourselves ? ( Aug 2016 )
  • That little bit more ( July 2016 )
  • George Orwell is alive, do you promote doublespeak ?  ( June 2016 ) 
  • Yes.... Communications again - How good are we at this ! - ( May 2016 )
  • Apathy and Ignorance - surely not us !  - ( Apr 2016 ) 
  • Is the grass always greener on "the Other Side" - ( Mar 2016 )
  • The further backwards you can look the further forward you can see - Winston Churchill ( Feb 2016 )
  • Why people believe January is a bad month for business ( Jan 2016 ) 
  • We know you can, but do you? ( Dec 2015 )
  • How much do you invest in yourself ? ( Nov 2015 )
  • Customer Service - What Customer Service? ( Oct 2015 )
  • Learned ignorance - why this is still happening ( Sept 2015 )
  • Somebody should do something, we hear people say -
    • Who is this somebody they are waiting for? ( August 2015 )
  • New Financial year - so what ? ( July 2015 )
  • Stepping stones, make your own as part of designing your future. ( June 2015 )
  • Markers in the sandpit - how people behave in groups and why ( May 2015 )
  • Why big organisations fail at project management ( Apr 2015 )
  • Where the millions go - how large consulting firms waste your money ( Mar 2015 )
  • Real teamwork - putting egos to the side for successful project outcomes ( Feb 2015 )
  • Breaking out of patterns that are bringing down your business ( Jan 2015 )
I always look forward to collaborating with productive individuals and companies.